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Meet the Fetchies: Gemma Upson-McPike

Author: Gemma Upson-McPike

Published date: 2022/05

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​Name: Gemma Upson-McPike
Position: Associate Consultant – Carpentry
Time in Role: 3.5 months

Tell us a bit about your career to date and how you got into Recruitment
I graduated with a degree in Music Theatre and was originally pursuing a career in the Arts! I owned a singing school in the Southwest of Victoria after graduating and then closed the school in 2019 after moving to Melbourne. I worked as a team leader for a compliance service provider within the real estate industry before moving into the recruitment industry. As COVID hit and the arts industry shut down, I realised my love for recruitment! I worked within retail recruitment for a marketing agency before making the move to Fetch! - The best decision I’ve made.

What’s your favourite thing about working at Fetch?

The people! I am surrounded by the best people each and every day and it makes coming into work such a joy.

What’s one thing you wish people knew about recruitment or your industry?

We are here to help! I think a lot of people have a negative mindset regarding recruiters, but our main role is to make the hiring process easier for companies and job seekers. Our goal is to keep everyone happy and thriving in their job at the end of the day.

#1 career highlight to date?

Making my first permanent placement!

The words you live by are…

Treat others how you would like to be treated!

If your life were a movie which one would it be?

High School Musical

Favourite musician?

I will forever and always have Bieber Fever

If you were on death row, what would be your last meal?

Carbonara with cheesy garlic bread!

Name three things you are grateful for right now.

My family, friends, and health.

Tell us a #FunFact about you!

I was on Millionaire Hot Seat and was 1 question away from winning $20k!

One job I’m recruiting for RIGHT NOW is:

Leading Hand Carpenter to manage defects on all sites of a Custom Home Builder in Melbourne’s South-eastern Suburbs. You can view and apply for all my jobs here.

Connect with Gemma on LinkedIn here.