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Meet the Fetchies: Charlotte Quaife

Author: Megan Smith

Published date: 2019/08


This week's episode of our Meet the Fetchie series, we are putting the spotlight on Charlotte!

Hailing all the way from Western Australia, Charlotte is our cheery Residential Construction consultant. When she's not at work, she is actually quite hard to catch as she is either playing in a sports team or out doing some form of activity; rock climbing, soccer, inline hockey... if you can name it, she is probably involved in it!


Somehow in between playing every sport ever invented, Char has managed to visit over 50 countries and has even lived in four! Not just an active body, but also an active mind - this girl also has a double degree under her belt (or under her rock climbing harness). 

An interesting girl isn't she! Read her interview to see what other insightful facts we can learn about her...

Name: Charlotte Quaife

Position: Recruitment Consultant

Time in role: 2 years 

Tell us a bit about your career to date and how you got into Recruitment.

Since graduating with a Degree in Business and Psychology, I knew I wanted a career that was centred around people. I didn’t know much about recruitment, but I saw an interesting job ad and 2 years later here I am!

What’s your favourite thing about working at Fetch?

The crazy/hilarious bunch of people I work with!

What’s one thing you wish people knew about recruitment / your industry?

Commercial construction and residential construction are very different industries – just because you have experience in one does not mean you will walk into a job in the other.

Number 1 career highlight to date?

Over a 9-month time period: working with and believing in a candidate, arranging multiple interviews and with patience/persistence finally getting them their dream job 

Your life mantra is / Your philosophy on life is / The words you live by are…

You miss 100% of the shots you don’t take.

Which celebrity would play you in the movie of your life?

Probably Zooey Deschanel as I’ve been told I look like her by a lot of people.

If you were on death row, what would be your last meal?

An “Up there Caprese” pizza from Lazer Pig.

Name three things right now you are grateful for.

The pop-up igloos in our building, my round ceramic mug and my Secret Bottle wine subscription.

Tell us a #FunFact about you!

I’ve represented Australia in a sport called Floorball for 5 years.

One job I’m recruiting for RIGHT NOW is:

High-End Project Manager

Interested to speak with Charlotte on new job opportunities? Connect with her on LinkedIn here