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Meet The Fetchies: Robyn Gilder

Author: Robyn Gilder

Published date: 2019/06

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Coming to Fetch almost 3 years ago with 5 years of international recruitment experience, Robyn is a bubbly Senior Consultant on our fabulous Property Team. You can always catch her dancing & singing around the office, even on the worst of days which is an absolute breath of fresh air and brings an incredible energy to our office. 

Robyn has a hands-on approach, and building lasting relationships with every one of her clients & candidates is her speciality. 

Her two greatest (of many!) strengths are her passion towards the property space, and her experience within the industry in the UK dealing with big players in the market. Because of this experience, she is a fountain of knowledge and is always keeping her finger on the pulse of whatever is happening in the market. 

Read below to get to know our Senior Property Consultant a bit better!


Name: Robyn Gilder

Position: Senior Recruitment Consultant

Time in role: 20 months

Tell us a bit about your career to date and how you got into working in recruitment.

I fell into recruitment, like most of us. After being made redundant from an Internal Recruitment Advisor role for a leading Energy company in the UK, I went back to my recruiter at the time to see what was next and she said “Robyn, you’d be a great at my job” to which I replied, “Jo, what do you even do?!” The rest is history. I’ve been working in Agency Recruitment since November 2011 and I’ve specialised in the Construction & Property sector for over 4 years, with my network covering both London and Melbourne.

What’s your favourite thing about working at Fetch?

Fetch is great fun! The people are supportive, the office is beautiful and we are so well looked after. This job can be really stressful, but with the tools and trust we have to do our job well, the tough days are few and far between.

What’s one thing you wish people knew about recruitment?

The true value partnering with a passionate consultant can bring to your business – you invest in me, and I’ll invest in you. Trust me to deliver and I’ll make sure my candidates trust that you’ll change their lives by providing the perfect career move – convincing people of that is always the hardest part (never mind the fact our finger is on the pulse and you get all the goss!!)

Number 1 career highlight to date:

I’ve been fortunate enough to meet and work for two industry leading Directors that made my dream of living and working in two of the most amazing cities in the world a reality! Winner.

Your life mantra is:

“Variety is the very spice of life, that gives it all its flavour.”

Try new things, say YES, just give it a go. Make friends, taste all the foods, travel the world. Enrich your life wherever possible. It’s worked for me so far.

Which celebrity would play you in the movie of your life?

Leslie Mann.

If you were on death row, what would  be your last meal?

I miss my Mum’s cooking all the time. Tough call but it would have to be Roast Lamb with all the trimmings….at least four Yorkshire puddings!!!

Name 3 things you are grateful for right now.

The genius that is Spotify Premium, what would life be without music?

The Iconic’s next day delivery service.

Technology and how easily it connects me with my friends and family around the world.

Tell us a #FunFact about you!

I’m apparently incapable of making it through a night out dancing without dropping approximately 2-4 glasses on the ground – why do my hands forget how to hold wine? It’s so sad!

One job I’m recruiting for RIGHT NOW is:

Project Director – Commercial building, client-side.