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Meet The Fetchies: Kate Henderson

Author: Kate Henderson

Published date: 2019/05

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Behind every great team of recruiters, is an equally great support team. The support team at Fetch doesn’t just ‘dot the i’s’ or ‘cross the t’s’, they theoretically do everything from marshalling the aircraft to fuelling the Fetch engine. Without Fetch’s support team, the clogs wouldn’t be turning as smoothly or as quickly as they do.

So without further ado, in this weeks #MeetTheFetchie we are chatting with Kate, who is a smiling face on Fetch’s operational side to the business.

Coming all the way from New Zealand, Kate is a witty, clever and kind soul, and currently is proud recipient of Fetch’s Best Dressed on costume day! She is pretty handy with a paint brush and glue gun.

If the words ‘glue gun’ entice you to learn more about our Kiwi girl, then keep on reading ..

Name: Kate Henderson

Position: Office Administrator

Time in role: 3 months

Tell us a bit about your career to date and how you got into working in recruitment.

I have worked most of my career in the fashion industry and then fell into recruitment over 2 years ago and have not looked back since.

What’s your favourite thing about working at Fetch?

The culture. There is lots of fun to be had and no-one takes themselves too seriously.

What’s one thing you wish people knew about recruitment?

Everyone works extremely hard, its a bit of a myth that recruiters are lazy and don’t do anything… I haven’t seen anyone work as hard as our recruiters!

Number 1 career highlight to date:

First thing that comes to mind is winning last week the best costume for the Italian inspired themed day, dressed as a Pizza 

Your life mantra is:

Kia Kaha

Which celebrity would play you in the movie of your life?

I have never once thought about that till now. Blake Lively – looks nothing like me but I like her style.

If you were on death row, what would  be your last meal?

Never had Lobster so could try that, and with a nice glass – no, bottle of champagne (in case I decided I didn’t like Lobster).

Name 3 things you are grateful for right now.

Family (with a nephew on the way), the people in my life and an able healthy body.

Tell us a #FunFact about you!

Love the beach but have a phobia of sand.