Published date: 2019/01
Finally, a topic that I’m not only passionate about, but practically qualified to comment on!
As Fetch’s bonafide Fashionista (as well as reigning champion as Best Dressed across the business 2 years running #undefeated), I feel that the best way to kick off 2019 would be to talk about something that I’m passionate about – fashion.
Now, before you start scrolling onto the next post, hear me out. First impressions are critical, particularly in the world of recruitment where opinions of an individual can be formulated in a matter of seconds based off tiny (or big!) factors such as how you greet your interviewer, your handshake, and most of all your presentation.
I recruit in an area of construction where presentation is absolutely essential to your success (Business Support, just for reference!). My candidates are an extension of myself and I want them to also represent themselves in the best possible light. I need them to care about how they present themselves to myself and clients. I don’t want to be representing candidates that haven’t taken the time to iron their shirt or brush their hair. That is instinctively telling me that this person a) isn’t that serious about the role; b) doesn’t own an iron or a mirror; or most importantly c) doesn’t believe in themselves. Your exterior is a reflection of your interior state (fun fact: my Year 9 teacher imparted that age old wisdom on to me and it’s stuck with me ever since). If you look good on the outside, you’ll feel good on the inside and vice versa. This exterior confidence will translate itself through your body language and tone and will make the world of difference when you’re interviewing and show your interviewer (be it a recruiter or company) that you are a serious force to be reckoned with.
Presenting the best version of yourself is the most empowering tool, not just in a professional setting but for life in general. I am such a big believer in caring about yourself and ensuring that you’re putting your best foot forward bat all times, because no one knows what opportunities may lay ahead. You are your own billboard so why not make it the most fabulous, confident and exciting billboard of them all?!
It’s also necessary to take into consideration the role you’re applying for. Please don’t turn up to your interview for a front-of-house Reception role in a 3 piece suit (believe it or not, this has happened to me #facepalm). Gauge what you should wear by jumping on the company or agency’s website, ask the question prior to your interview, or (my favourite tool of them all) ask Google. No one’s asking you to go out and buy a whole new wardrobe – let’s be real, I don’t even use excuses to justify my shopping habits anymore – just take that little extra time to ensure your shirt is the crispest of whites, it’s ironed and properly tucked into your pants or skirt.
Again, to reiterate, it’s always these little things that aid in your overall presentation and can be the first thing to bring it all down in a matter of moments.
Having said all of this though, my favourite fashion advice when it comes to dressing for success and impressing your interviewer is this: confidence is key! Nothing matters unless you have the belief in yourself and your abilities.
Stephanie Atzamoglou is a Business Support Temp Consultant at Fetch Recruitment, and fashion & style enthusiast! You can connect with Steph on LinkedIn here.
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